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Power Company Comparison

Compare power companies with our free comparison service to find the cheapest prices in your area

There are so many power companies in New Zealand, that choosing which one has the best deal for you is not easy. Which plan is best for you depends on where you live and how much power you use.

Luckily, we’ve done all the hard comparison work for you. We are always up-to-date with every power company’s prices and the details of their many plans.

Save yourself all the hassle and let us quickly figure out which power company is the best option for you.

Why Compare Power Companies Through Us?

We work with all the major power companies in New Zealand to find you the best power prices. In addition to having access to every company’s power rates, we also get offered cheap power deals which can save you even more on your power bill. Here are some examples of our recent deals:

  • Free same-day reconnections, $150 power credit + a gift pack (valued at $50)
  • Free same-day reconnections, $200 power credit + 12% discount & collect Airpoints

How Does the Comparison Process Work?


Step 1 – Send a recent power bill

To get you the most accurate results, we need to look at one of your recent power bills, so that we can compare your current energy prices, to the best power company in your area. We ask for a recent bill because we need to check your address, usage, and your power rates.


Step 2 – Get sent the best power deals

Once we have finished your power comparison, we will tell you who the cheapest power company is in your area. That might be who you’re currently with! But if there are cheaper options, we will let know what the best plans are.


Step 3 – Get connected

If we’ve found you cheaper power prices and you’d like to change power companies, we’ll get this arranged for you, for free. Our entire comparison and changeover service is completely free and obligation free.

Benefits of Comparing Power Bills Through Fast Connect

Most power comparison sites are entirely online based. However, with Fast Connect you have the option of completing the process online or over the phone, which means you will be dealing with a real person, who will be able to answer any questions that you may have before you make your decision.

Ready to compare and save?

Complete the form below and we’ll be in touch in the next 60 minutes.

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