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Compare Power Prices

Compare power prices with our free comparison service to find the cheapest deals in your area

Determining which company has the best prices for you depends on your location and your power usage. That means that with so many power companies in New Zealand, it can be complicated and time-consuming to find the best power prices for your circumstances.

That’s why our experts have done all the hard work for you. We stay abreast of power prices available from every company, as well as all the conditions applicable to their various plans. So spare yourself a lot of time and effort, complete the form below to quickly find which power company has the best prices for you.

Why Compare Power Prices Through Us?

We deal with all the major power companies in New Zealand to figure out the best power prices for you. And we don’t just have access to their standard power prices, we also have access to special deals that can save you even more money on your bill. Examples of our recent deals include:

  • Free same-day reconnections, $150 power credit + a gift pack (valued at $50)
  • Free same-day reconnections, $200 power credit + 12% discount & collect Airpoints

How Does the Price Comparison Process Work?


Step 1 – Upload a power bill

When you upload a recent power bill we will be able to see your exact power usage details, what prices you are currently being charged, and your address. This information will enable us to provide you the most accurate price comparison possible.


Step 2 – Receive a list of the cheapest power prices

Once we’ve finished comparing power prices in your area, we’ll show you the cheapest prices for your circumstances. And if your current power company has the best prices we’ll tell you.


Step 3 – Get connected

If we find cheaper prices and you decide to switch companies, we’ll handle all the paperwork for you, free of charge, and obligation free.

Benefits of Comparing Power Prices With Fast Connect

When comparing prices with Fast Connect you can either complete the process online, or you can phone us to speak with someone who can answer all your questions before you decide to switch power companies.

Ready to compare and enjoy cheaper prices?

Complete the form below and we’ll be in touch in the next 60 minutes.

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